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Mini-symposium: Eutrophication in Coastal Systems

Confirmed speakers with tentative titles:

Jack Middelburg, Utrecht University, the Netherlands: Global river transport of carbon to coastal systems during the last century

Karline Soetaert, Netherlands’ Institute for Sea Research: Anthropogenic and natural impacts on sediments

Robinson W Fulweiler, Boston University, USA: Exploring the role of oysters as biogeochemical engineers

Jouni Lehtoranta, Finnish Environment Institute: Standpoints to eutrophication in the Baltic Sea

Philip Axe, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management: Managing legacy nutrient pollution and ecosystem changes to achieve eutrophication goals

Sebastiaan van de Velde, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences: The reactive skin of the seafloor - Do we underestimate organic carbon mineralisation at the sediment-water interface?


All are most welcome to attend the minisymposium on Zoom!