MOB seminar November 21st given by "Microphotographer" Wim van Egmond

We are pleased to announce that the next seminar on the  21st of November at 17:00 CET will be given by Wim van Egmond. This is a special edition of the MOB seminar series and will be the last seminar of 2023. This is a unique opportunity to see some of the wonderful work of award-winning "microphotographer" Wim van Egmond. We thought that as final talk of the year a special edition tying science and art together would be a inspirational way to think about outreach potential in our own research and appreciate the beauty of what we do. This talk will be recorded but only available for one week, so we encourage you to attend the live talk. 

The Zoom link is the same as always.
Meeting ID: 636 2852 3064

We look forward to seeing many of you there.


Virtual MOB (Microscale-biophysics) organizing committee


Wim van Egmond is an artist whose work lies deceptively close to scientific work. Wim is fascinated by the almost artificial way how science depicts nature. He started his career as a visual autonomous artist, studied painting, and specialised in photography using optical techniques such as microscopy. He portrays microbes and makes micro-landscapes. He combines the skills of 19th century naturalists with modern digital techniques, initially with the aim to make autonomous work but often with one foot in the scientific world. Wim regularly collaborates with scientists and in recent years he has developed techniques to create unique movies and images of fungi and other soil organisms. Marine life is one of his favourite subjects so he will also show a series of images and movies of plankton and other microscopic organisms from the sea.

Below images: Win van Egmond,