Dr. Fabien Burki’s Network

Uppsala University


Dr. Fabien Burki, scilife lab fellow

Department of organismal biology, Uppsala university

We aim to integrate the poorly studied protists (aka microbial eukaryotes) in global evolutionary models, using a combination of culture-independent genomic methods, environmental DNA, and phylogenetics. The main research themes in my lab are:
-       Reconstructing the eukaryotic tree of life
-       Taxonomically and phylogenetically resolving the eukaryotic environmental diversity
-       Origin and spread of photosynthesis in eukaryotes
-       The evolution of parasitism in marine invertebrates
-       Method development in single-cell genomics using microfluidics

Theme 3, Microbial interactions and evolutions

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Anders ALfjorden, Phd Student

Increase understanding of diversity and systematics within Ascetosporean group of marine protists. Develop methods for rapid and early detection of important protist pathogens in the aquatic environment. Find better models / descriptions to explain disease patterns and mortality events in invertebrates focusing on the Bivalve species

Key words: Bivalve, Ascetosporea, Parasite



Mahwash Jamy, phd Student

I am interested in studying eukaryotic diversity in nature using a phylogenetic approach. We are doing this by using long-amplicon sequencing technologies and applying the approach to different environments to phylogenetically resolve an environment. 

Keywords: eDNA, protists, long-amplicon sequencing, phylogenetics